Our products

For families

Helping every child reach their full potential

We believe quality education is key in helping children reach their potential and we feel privileged to be able to play a significant role in this journey.

Interested in our products?

This is what we can offer


In Sweden, you can test a large part of our products for families. Our most popular PLUS package includes Albert Junior, Albert Teen, Jaramba and Holy Owly and ranges from 2 to 16 years, and you can add several children. It's great for those who want to explore and learn more subjects or for the slightly larger family.

Go to hejalbert.se


In Norway, you can try Albert Junior and Holy Owly through our most popular PLUS package for ages 3 to 16. PLUS is suitable for families with more than one child, or for those who want to explore more of our subjects.

Go to heialbert.no


In Denmark, you can try Albert Junior and Holy Owly through our most popular PLUS package for ages 3 to 16. PLUS is suitable for families with more than one child, or for those who want to explore more of our subjects.

Go to hejalbert.dk

United Kingdom

In the UK you will find our established and popular app Sumdog, aimed at children aged 5 to 14, with subjects such as maths and spelling. We also offer Albert in the UK, a great match for ages 3 to 16.

Go to learn.sumdog.com


In France, you'll find our family-loving app Holy Owly which offers different languages and maths for ages 3 to 12. Our popular bundle includes both Holy Owly Languages and Maths.

Go to holyowly.fr

Contact us if you need guidance at support@the-albertgroup.com